Balancing Your Needs

Whether or not to freeze your eggs can be such a hard thing to talk openly about.  Many women don’t want to share with others when they are debating it, when they are doing it, or even that they have done it.  It’s vulnerable to share so much of oneself.

The process of deciding whether to freeze (and also actually freezing, can feel incredibly lonely.  And it’s only made more lonely by this need for privacy.

So how can you get the support you need, while balancing your need to protect this piece of you?

Make a plan.  Look at the minimum support that you need.  Look at boundaries you want in place.  Here are some things to consider:

  • Who are your friends or family members you trust implicitly?
  • Who would you have help you during the process, including driving you to and from the procedure?
  • Do you already know someone who has been through the process of egg freezing?
  • Are looking to find someone who has been through the process of egg freezing?
  • Who are your healing resources, like therapists, coaches, energy workers or acupuncturists?
  • Does it feel safer to ask anyone you seek support from to not share that you are considering freezing eggs with others?
  • Are there private groups you can join to find others in a similar situation?
  • Are there people in your life who, if you shared with them, would make it about them or otherwise drain your energy?
  • Are there people in your life who have so much going on in their lives that you don’t anticipate they can truly be supportive to you?
  • Who’s opinions and advice do you desire and respect? 
  • Who can be supportive without offering opinions and advice?
  • Who are your friends or family members who truly desire the best and greatest for you?
  • Who in your life is most likely to project their own experiences, fears or desires on you and this decision?
  • Do you feel comfortable sharing broadly and widely?
  • What does your intuition tell you?

Take a look at what you learned.  Consider who in your life stands out as someone you can safely bring into this decision process.  Consider what boundaries you will ask for from those people (and which you will create for yourself).  This should be a good starting point for how to balance support and privacy.

AND, I also implore you to  lean into the resources in the course that I offer.  As a seasoned veteran of indecision and someone who went through three rounds of freezing, I offer a tailored experience of support.  Plus, you can be as private as you want within the course.